Tuesday, 6 June 2017

What Are The Potential Topics on Which I Can Write My Psychology Essay?

Psychology is undoubtedly one of the most interesting subjects you can study at the undergraduate level and even beyond. After all, it teaches you about the workings of the human mind and the way it interprets different situations and acts upon them. Although the subject is this interesting, its assignments can be boring to write on, forcing you to hunt the internet with the phrase ‘write my essay’ or ‘do my essay’ so that you can get some help. The real problem is not that essays are boring but the topic you’ve chosen. In this blog, you will find a list of some of the most interesting psychology topics that you can write your paper on.

1. Pick up a specific branch of psychology and choose a topic within it

Psychology is an extensive subject, and one of the best ways to select a topic for your paper would be to narrow its scope as much as you can. For example, you could pick up a branch of psychology, say social psychology and choose a topic that comes under it. If you use this scheme every time you get an essay to write on, you will never have to search ‘write my essay on an interesting topic’ again. Here’s a list of potential topics-

·         Social cognition
·         Prejudice
·         Nonverbal communication
·         Attraction and love
·         Attitudes

2. Try writing on a disorder or a theory

Disorders and theories may seem like boring topics on the surface, but once you delve deeper into them, you will find lots of cases that will enrapture you. So instead of searching ‘do my essay’ on the internet, open your textbook and start reading on any one of these disorders and theory that can provide you with a brilliant topic-

·         Phobias – the fear of number 13 could be a very good topic
·         Seasonal Affective Disorder
·         Borderline Personality Disorder

3. Or drift off to the field of human recognition

If you pick the branch of human recognition in psychology, you will be exposed to a multitude of topics that will not only catch your fancy but also that of your professor. The key here though is to pick a slant that has not been explored before. Some of the possible broad topics in this category are-

·         Dreams
·         Judgment
·         False memories
·         Perception

4. You can also try out topics that come under human development

Topics that fall under the category of human development touch upon a lot of real social issues that plague our society and that needed to be weeded out if we wish to live in a better world. The best part of writing on any one of these topics is that you can present your own original ideas to help curb these social issues. Here’s a list of some of them-

·         Bullying
·         Gender roles
·         Child abuse
·         Violence and sex in media and its impact on children
·         The process of aging

There are loads of other topics you can write on. For example, you could profile a famous psychologist or even a famous person. You could write on a well-documented criminal case and explore why the criminal did the deed. You could also critique a book or a journal written by another psychologist. As you can see the options at your disposal are limitless. So be wise and choose a topic that interests you and is relevant to your field.


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