Thursday, 20 July 2017

Step By Step Help To Writing Assignment For Students Residing In Australia

When a student is undertaking tertiary study, there often are a lot of assignments and writing to do, which can seem to be a daunting task at first. Professionals who provide help on writing assignment always advise to start early. If you give yourself enough time to plan, complete your research, write and to revise the assignment, there will be no need to rush to meet the deadline. Once you have begun, you will have something on paper, or on a screen that you can improve on. 

Writers providing assistance on writing assignments always suggest that the first and foremost step is to plan which will help you get focused and will also ensure that you will be on track. Check how much the assignment is worth and how much of the final marks it is constituted of. It will help the student get a clear idea of how much time they should spend on it. Always check the marking schedule to assess what the tutor will be looking for specifically when they will mark your work, and also how the scores will be assigned. This will help you know what to focus on. Think about the tasks you need to take care of to complete your assignment. Break them into a list of tasks to do and give each of these tasks a deadline, working backwards from the assignment up to the due date.

The question must be analyzed before it is answered. The student needs to know what it means, and hence, it should be read carefully and slowly, to try and understand what is being asked of you. Once the first stage of this task is completed, look for words which instruct you what to do and always check their meaning. The best guides on writing homework suggest searching for topic words, which tell you what to write about. Keep an eye out for restricting words which may limit the text and make it more precise.  One can check for additional information regarding the assignment and what else is expected of you for the assignment in the course material. If you come across any information related to the assignment in any of the course materials, a copy should be made and saved, preferably in one location, so it is easier to start writing.

Drafting an outline gives you a particular structure to follow. The type of assignment you are writing will give you a broad structure, but the question and marking schedule must be checked, as it helps in understanding how the lecturer expects the topic to be structured, which section is worth the most marks and what should be included in the assignment. From there is much easier to create an outline using headlines as well as gaps in the information that needs to be filled in.

Most of the assignments follow the same basic structure. The introduction makes up 10% of the assignment, the main discussion covers up 80%, and the conclusion consists of the last 10% of the assignment. 

Proper research must be conducted on the given topic to find relevant information which is reliable at the same time. Some information can be consulted through the course materials, but other sources can include any public library which can provide a broader insight into the topic, talking to experts also proves to be fruitful. However, in the modern world, a digital era is taking over. Hence looking up the topic online can prove to be the most useful as a vast array of different kinds of information can be found in one place. Once the proper information is found, the next step should be to begin writing.

Using the outline prepared previously, the gaps can be filled, writing the main points for each section. In the beginning, it's always best to write freely, without worrying about the words being 100% correct. The introduction is the toughest to write so that it can be written at the end. The first draft must be revised so that it makes sense and includes everything it needs to.

Once the assignment is complete, it can be improved by editing and proofreading, but before you do, take a break. Even a short break helps you look at the assignment with a fresh eye since spending too much time on any particular thing tends to give one something called a tunnel vision, which means that the thoughts tend to follow the same line over and over again. A family member or friend can proofread the assignment, if possible, as it often becomes difficult to notice mistakes in one's work.

Before the assignment is submitted, it should be checked one last time. It's preferable to print it out and do it, as spotting mistakes are easier in print outs.


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